
Helen Tremlett’s Google Scholar Profile

A sample of publications and presentations is presented below.

Published refereed papers

1. Tremlett H, Luscombe DK, Wiles CM: Use of Corticosteroids in Multiple Sclerosis byUK Consultant Neurologists. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 1998;65:362-365.

2. Tremlett H, Luscombe DK: Multiple Sclerosis. Pharmaceutical Journal 1998;260:29-38.

3. Tremlett H, Wiles CM: Oral or intravenous?  The evidence for corticosteroids in Multiple Sclerosis.  Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry 1999;3(1):19-23

4. Tremlett H, Luscombe DK: Beta-interferon in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis. Journal of Applied Therapeutic Research 1999;2(4):235-242.

5. Tremlett H, Wiles CM, Luscombe DK Non-prescription medicine use in an MS clinic population; British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2000;50(1):55-60.

6. Tremlett H, Wiles CM, Luscombe DK Prescribing for Multiple Sclerosis patients in General Practice: a case-control study Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics; 2001;26(6):437-444.

7. Tremlett H, J Evans, C Rogers, CM Wiles, DK Luscombe Asthma and Multiple Sclerosis: an inverse association in a case-control general practice population; Quarterly Journal of Medicine; 2002;95:753-756.

8. Tremlett H, Oger J. Interrupted therapy: stopping and switching of the beta-interferons prescribed for MS Neurology 2003;61:551-554.

9. Tremlett H, Oger J Adherence from across the pond: six-years of experience with the beta-interferons prescribed for Multiple Sclerosis, Pharmaceutical Journal 2003; 271:649-653.

10. Tremlett H, Yoshida E, Oger J. Liver injury associated with the IFNBs for MS: a comparison between IFNB-1b(sc), IFNB-1a (sc) and IFNB-1a (im). Neurology 2004;62:628-631.

This publication was selected by Neurology to have an accompanying Patient Page:

    Aguilar, M. MS treatment: Some safety issues to keep in mind. Neurology 2004;62:8-9. As stated by the journal, the Neurology Patient Page provides ‘a critical review of ground-     breaking discoveries in neurological research that are written especially for patients and their families.’

11. Tremlett H, Oger J. Elevated aminotransferases during treatment with Beta-Interferon for Multiple Sclerosis: actions and outcomes. Multiple Sclerosis 2004;10:298-301

12. Tremlett H, Porciuncula J, Gibbs E, Oger J Binding antibodies and aminotransferases in beta-interferon beta treated patients with multiple sclerosis. Journal of Applied Therapeutic Research 2004;5(1):12-16

13. Tremlett H, Oger J Hepatic injury, liver monitoring and the beta-interferons for Multiple Sclerosis (Review) Journal of Neurology 2004;251:1297-1303

14. Tremlett H, Porciuncula J, Oger J Treatment with beta-interferon prior to glatiramer acetate diminishes the serum IgG response in multiple sclerosis patients. Journal of Applied Therapeutic Research 2004;5(2):12-16.

15. Tremlett H, Paty D, Devonshire V The natural history of primary progressive MS in British Columbia, Canada. Neurology. 2005;65:1919-1923.

16. Tremlett H, Paty D, Devonshire V. Disability progression in MS is slower than previously reported. Neurology. 2006;66:172-177.

This publication was highlighted by Neurology. This is the most frequently read section of the Journal; a limited number of papers are highlighted each issue:

Disability progression in multiple sclerosis (MS) Neurology. 2006;66:157

And had an accompanying Commentary:

Pittock, S. Therapeutic decision making in MS: Impact of a slower disability progression. Neurology. 2006;66:157.

17.  Tremlett H,Devonshire V. Does the season or month of birth influence disease progression in multiple sclerosis? Neuroepidemiology 2006;26:195-198

18. Tremlett H,Devonshire V. Is late onset multiple sclerosis associated with a worse outcome? Neurology 2006;67:954-959

19. Tremlett H, Seemüller S, Zhao Y, Yoshida EM, Oger J. Petkau J. Liver test abnormalities in multiple sclerosis: findings from placebo treated patients. Neurology 2006;67:1291-1293

20. Sayao AL, Devonshire V, Tremlett H. Longitudinal Follow-up of Benign MS at 20 years. Neurology. 2007 Feb 13;68(7):496-500.

Contribution: Methodological advice, carried out all statistical analyses, presentation of data graphically and in table form. Guided drafting of manuscript, critical review of final   manuscript (20% effort). Corresponding author.

This publication was highlighted by Neurology:

     Benign MS at 20 years Neurology. 2007;68:478

And had an accompanying Commentary:

Pittock, S. Does benign multiple sclerosis today imply benign multiple sclerosis tomorrow?

Implications for treatment. Neurology. 2007;68:480-481.

21. Tremlett H, Oger J Ten years of adverse drug reaction reports for the multiple sclerosis immunomodulatory therapies: a Canadian perspective. Multiple Sclerosis 2008; 14:94-105

22. Tremlett H, Zhao Y,Devonshire V. The natural history of secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis 2008. 14: 314–324

This paper was accompanied by an Editorial: Confavreux, C. Defining the natural history of MS: the need for complete data and rigorous definitions Multiple Sclerosis 2008;  14(3): 289 – 291.

23. Forwell S, Brunham S, Tremlett H, Morrison W, Tentzerakis S, Bogle N, Oger J. Primary and non-primary fatigue in multiple sclerosis. International Journal of MS Care. 2008;10:14-20

Contribution: Assessing the effects of medication on fatigue.  I contributed to the study design (collection of drug data) and provided drug information for individual patient cases. I also helped with the statistical analysis and critical review of the final manuscript. 5% effort

24. Koch M, De Keyser J, Tremlett H Timing of birth and disease progression in multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis 2008; 14:793-798.

Contribution: 50%

25. Tremlett H, Van der Mei I, Pittas F, Blizzard L, Paley G, Dwyer T, Taylor B, Ponsonby AL. Adherence to the immunomodulatory drugs for multiple sclerosis: contrasting factors affect stopping drug and missing doses. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 2008 17(6):565-76.

26. Tremlett H, Zhao Y, Joseph J,Devonshire V and the UBC MS Clinic Neurologists. Relapses in multiple sclerosis are age and time-dependent. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2008;79;1368-1374

27. Tremlett H, van der Mei I, Pittas F, Blizzard L, Paley G, Mesaros G, Woodbaker R, Nunez M, Dwyer T, Taylor B, Ponsonby AL. Monthly ambient sunlight, infections and relapse rates in multiple sclerosis. Neuroepidemiology. 2008; 31: 271-279

Accompanying Commentary:

Kesselring, J. Sunshine on MS. Neuroepidemiology. 2008; 31: 280-281

28. Tremlett H, Zhao Y, Devonshire V. Natural history comparisons of primary and secondary progressive multiple sclerosis reveals differences and similarities. Journal of Neurology. 2009 Mar;256(3):374-81

29. Tremlett H, Yousefi M, Devonshire V, Rieckmann P, Zhao Y and the UBC Neurologists. The impact of multiple sclerosis relapses on progression diminishes with time. Neurology 2009; 73:1616-1623

Accompanying Editorial:

Editorial: Ruth Ann Marrie and Gary Cutter Relapses in multiple sclerosis. Important or not? Neurology 2009; 73:1612-1613

The paper was selected to appear on-line, ahead of print as a rapid communication with the ‘hare’ logo (only 1-5 papers are selected from each edition of the journal to appear in this form). In addition, the work was selected by Neurology, for the American Academy of Neurology’s press release program.

30.Koch M, Kingwell E, Rieckmann P and Tremlett H and the UBC Neurologists. The natural history of primary progressive MS. Neurology 2009; 73 1996-2002 

Contribution of my group: 100%.

31. Kingwell E, Leung A, Roger E, Duquette P, Rieckmann P, Tremlett Hand the UBC MS Neurologists. Factors associated with delay to medical recognition in two Canadian multiple sclerosis cohorts. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 2010; 292:57-62

Contribution of my group: 80%.

32. Kingwell E, Koch M, Leung B, Isserow S, Geddes J, Rieckmann P, Tremlett H, and the UBC MS Clinic Neurologists. Cardiotoxicity and other adverse events associated with mitoxantrone treatment for MS. Neurology 2010; 74 1822-1826

Contribution of my group: 90%.

33. Koch M, Zhao Y, Yee I, Guimond C, Kingwell E, Rieckmann P, Sadovnick S, Tremlett H. Age at disease onset in familial and sporadic primary progressive multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis. 2010. 2010;16 694-700

Contribution of my group: 80%.

34. Tremlett H, Zhao Y, Rieckmann P, Hutchinson M. New perspectives in the natural history of multiple sclerosis (Review). Neurology 2010;74:2004-2015

35. Simpson S,  Taylor B, Blizzard L, Ponsonby AL, Pittas F, Tremlett H, Dwyer T, Gies P & Van der Mei I  Higher levels of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 are associated with a reduced risk of relapse in multiple sclerosis. Annals of Neurology 2010;68:193-203

Contribution: 5%.

36. Koch M, Kingwell E, Rieckmann P, Tremlett H, and the UBC MS Clinic Neurologists. The natural history of secondary progressive MS. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. 2010;81(9):1039-43.

Contribution of my group: 100%.

Accompanying Editorial:

Chataway J. Progression is likely to occur earlier in young men with motor onset symptoms. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2010;81:944-5

37. Shirani A, Tremlett H. The effect of smoking on the symptoms and progression of multiple sclerosis: a review.J Inflamm Res, 2010,3:115-26

Contribution of my group: 100%.

38. Chan S, Kingwell E, Oger J, Yoshida E, Tremlett H. High-dose frequency beta-interferons increase the risk of liver test abnormalities in multiple sclerosis: a longitudinal study. Multiple Sclerosis Journal 2011;17 361-367

Contribution of my group: 100%.

39. van der Kop ML, Pearce MS, Dahlgren L, Synnes A, Sadovnick AD, Sayao A, Tremlett H Neonatal and delivery outcomes in women with multiple sclerosis. Annals of Neurology. 2011 Jul;70(1):41-50

Contribution of my group: 100%.

40. Sayao AL, Bueno AM, Devonshire V, and the UBC MS Clinic Neurologists Tremlett H The psychosocial and cognitive impact of longstanding ‘benign’ multiple sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis Journal 2011 Nov;17(11):1375-83

Contribution of my group: 100%.

41. Kingwell E, van der Kop M, Zhao Y, Shirani A, Zhu F, Oger J and Tremlett H.  Relative mortality and survival in multiple sclerosis: Findings from British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 2012 Jan;83(1):61-6. Epub 2011 Aug 23

Contribution of my group: 100%.

42. Shirani A, Zhao Y, Kingwell E, Rieckmann P, Tremlett H Temporal trends of disability progression in multiple sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis Journal 2011 Sep 30. [Epub ahead of print]

Contribution of my group: 100%.

43. Lu E, Dahlgren L, Sadovnick AD, Sayao A, Synnes A, Tremlett H Perinatal outcomes in women with multiple sclerosis exposed to disease-modifying drugs. Multiple Sclerosis Journal 2011 Sep 13. [Epub ahead of print]

Contribution of my group: 100%.

44. Saeedi J, Rieckmann P, Yee I, Tremlett H and the UBC MS clinic neurologists. Characteristics of multiple sclerosis in aboriginals living in British Columbia (BC) Canada. Multiple Sclerosis Journal 2012 Mar 1. [Epub ahead of print]

Contribution of my group: 90%.

45. Evans C, Tam J, Kingwell E, Oger J, the BC MS Neurologists, Tremlett H. Long-term persistence with the immunomodulatory drugs for multiple sclerosis: a retrospective database study. Clinical Therapeutics. 2012 Feb;34(2):341-50

Contribution of my group: 100%.

46. Marrie RA, Yu N, Leung S, Elliott L, Caetano P, Warren S, Wolfson C, Patten S, Svenson L, Tremlett H, Fisk J, Blanchard J,for the CIHR Team in the Epidemiology and Impact of Comorbidity on Multiple Sclerosis. Rising prevalence of vascular comorbidities in MS: validation of administrative definitions for diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia. Multiple Sclerosis Journal. 2012 Feb 10. [Epub ahead of print]

Contribution of my group: 5% [I helped gain funding for the overall study; drafted the original study design and edited the manuscript].

47. Kowalec K, Carleton B, Tremlett H. The potential role of pharmacogenomics in the prevention of serious adverse drug reactions in multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders. 2013 Mult Scler Related Dis, 2 (3): 183-192.

Contribution of my group: 100%.

48. Kowalec K, Kingwell E, Yoshida EM, Marrie RA, Kremenchutzky M, Campbell T, Wadelius M, Carleton BC, Tremlett H. (2014) Characteristics associated with drug induced liver injury from interferon beta in multiple sclerosis patients. Expert Opin Drug Saf, 13(10):1305-17.

Contribution of my group: 100%.

49. Tremlett H, Zhu F, Petkau J, Oger J, Zhao Y. Natural, innate improvements in multiple sclerosis disability. Multiple Sclerosis Journal. 2012;18(10):1412-1421. doi:10.1177/1352458512439119

Contribution of my group: 100%.

Accompanying Editorial: TBA

50. Lu E, Wang BW, Guimond C, Synnes A, Sadovnick D, Tremlett H. Disease-modifying drugs for multiple sclerosis in pregnancy: a systematic review. Neurology. 2012;79(11):1130-1135. doi:10.1212/WNL.0b013e3182698c64

51. Manouchehrinia A, Westerlind H, Kingwell E, Zhu F, Carruthers R, Ramanujam R, Ban M, Glaser A, Sawcer S, Tremlett H, Hillert J. (2017). Age Related Multiple Sclerosis Severity Score: Disability ranked by age. Multiple Sclerosis Journal (Impact factor = 4.8. Ranks 27/194 (Clinical Neurology); 46/258 (Neurosciences)) [J14]. 1: 1-9.

52. Hogg T, Petkau J, Zhao Y, Gustafson P, Tremlett H. (2017). Bayesian analysis of pair-matched case- control studies subject to outcome misclassification. Statistics in Medicine [IF=1.9 (2016); ranked 20 of 124 for Statistics and Probability]. xx: xx.

53. Evans C, Marrie RA, Zhu F, Leung S, Lu X, Kingwell E, Zhao Y, Tremlett H. (2017). Adherence to Disease Modifying Therapies for Multiple Sclerosis and Subsequent Hospitalizations. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety (Impact Factor = 2.5). 26(6): 702-711.

54. Kowalec K, Kingwell E, Carruthers R, Marrie RA, Bernatsky S, Traboulsee A, Ross CJD, Carleton B, Tremlett H. (2017). Application of pharmacogenomics to investigate adverse drug reactions to the disease- modifying treatments for multiple sclerosis: a case-control studyprotocol for dimethyl fumarate induced lymphopenia. BMJ Open [IF=2.4 (2016)]. 7(5): e016276.

55. Tremlett H, Waubant E. (2017). Gut microbiome and pediatric multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis Journal [IF=4.8 (2016); ranked 27 of 194 for Clinical Neurology]. xx: xx.

56. Marrie RA, Patten SB, Tremlett H, Wolfson C, Leung S, Fisk JD. (2017). Increased Incidence and Prevalence of Psoriasis in Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders (Impact factor = 1.2). 13: 81-86.

57. Tremlett H, Bauer K, Appel-Cresswell S, Finlay BB, Waubant E. (2017). The gut microbiome in human neurological disease: A review. Annals of Neurology (Impact factor 10. Ranks 6/194 (Clinical Neurology); 14/258 (Neurosciences)). 81: 369-382.

58. De Jong H, Kingwell E, Shirani A, Tervaert JWC, Hupperts R, Zhao Y, Zhu F, Evans C, van der Kop M, Traboulsee A, Gustafson P, Petkau J, Marrie RA, Tremlett H. (2017). Evaluating the safety of beta- interferons in MS: a series of nested case-control studies. Neurology (Impact factor = 8.3. Ranks 8/193 clinical neurology journals) [J10]. 88(24): 2310-2320.

59. Tremlett H, Waubant E. (2017). The multiple sclerosis microbiome?. Annals of Translational Medicine. 5(3): 53.

60. Wijnands J, Kingwell E, Zhu F, Zhao Y, Höegg T, Stadnyk K, Ekuma O, Lu X, Evans C, Fisk J, Marrie RA, Tremlett H. (2017). Health-care use before a first demyelinating event suggestive of a multiple sclerosis prodrome: a matched cohort study. Lancet Neurology (Impact factor = 26.3. Ranks 1 of 193 clinical neurology journals) [J2]. 16(6): 445-451.

61. Luczynski P, Laule C, Hsiung GR, Moore GRW, Tremlett H. (2018). Coexistenceof multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease: a review. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders. [IF=3.199 (2017)]. 27: 232-238.

62. Nourbakhsh B, Bhargava P, Tremlett H, Hart J, Graves J, Waubant E. (2018). Altered tryptophan metabolism is associated withpediatric multiple sclerosis risk and course. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology. xx: xx.

63. Tanja Högg, José M.A. Wijnands, Elaine Kingwell, Feng Zhu, Xinya Lu, Charity Evans, John D. Fisk, Ruth Ann Marrie, Yinshan Zhao, Helen Tremlett. (2018). Mining healthcare data for markers of the multiple sclerosis prodrome. Mult Scler Relat Disord.25: 232–240.

64. Wijnands JMA, Zhu F, Kingwell E, Zhao Y, Ekuma O, Lu X, Evans C, Fisk JD, Marrie RA, Tremlett H. (2018). Five years before multiple sclerosis onset: phenotyping the prodrome. Mult Scler. [Impact Factor=4.8 (2016); ranked 27 of 194 for Clinical Neurology]. xx: xx.

65. Tremlett H, Lucas R. (2018). An ‘epidemic’ of multiple sclerosis and falling infection rates? Reflecting on comparisons made and the rising MS incidence in Bach’s NEJM 2002 Figure. Eur J Neurology (Impact factor = 3.99. Ranks 40/194 (Clinical Neurology)). 25: 196-199.

66. Marrie RA, Patten SB, Berrigan LI, Tremlett H, Wolfson C, Warren S, Leung S, Fiest KM, McKay KA, Fisk JD; CIHR Team in the Epidemiology and Impact of Comorbidity on Multiple Sclerosis (ECoMS). (2018). Diagnoses of Depression and AnxietyVersus Current Symptoms and Quality of Life in Multiple Sclerosis.Int J MS Care.20: 76-84.

67. Manouchehrinia A, Zhu F, Piani-Meier D, Lange M, Silva DG, Carruthers R, Glaser A, Kingwell E, Tremlett H, Hillert J. (2018). Predicting risk of secondary progression in multiplesclerosis: a nomogram. Mult Scler. [Impact Factor=4.8 (2016); ranked 27 of 194 for Clinical Neurology]. xx: xx.

68. Zhang T, Tremlett H, Zhu F, Kingwell E, Fisk J, Bhan V, Campbell T, Stadnyk K, Carruthers R, Wolfson, C, Warren S, Marrie RA for the CIHR Team in the Epidemiology and Impact of Comorbidity on Multiple Sclerosis. (2018). Effects of physical comorbidities on disability progression in multiple sclerosis. Neurology [Epub ahead of print], [IF=8.3 (2016)]. xx: xx.

69. Wijnands JMA, Zhu F, Kingwell E, Fisk JD, Evans C, Marrie RA, Zhao Y, Tremlett H. (2018). Disease- modifying drugs formultiple sclerosis and infection risk: a cohort study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry [Impact factor: 7.349 (2016)]. xx: xx.

70. Tremlett H, Zhu F, Ascherio A, Munger K.L. (2018). Sun exposure over thelife-course and associations with multiple sclerosis. Neurology [IF=8.3 (2016)]. 90: 1191-1199.

71. Tremlett H, Rodney R, Lucas R. (2018). Can falling infection rates in one country explain rising incidence of autoimmune and allergic diseases in other countries? Caution when (over) interpreting ecological data from disparate areas. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders. xx: xx.

72. Högg T, Zhao Y, Gustafson P, Petkau J, Fisk J, Marrie RA, Tremlett H. (2019). Adjusting for differential misclassification inmatched case-control studies utilizing health administrative data.Statistics in Medicine. xx: xx.

73. Ruth Ann Marrie, Helen Tremlett, Elaine Kingwell, Allan Schaffer, Marina Yogendran, Feng Zhu, Randy Fransoo, Allan Garland. (2019). Disparities in management and outcomes of myocardial infarction inmultiple sclerosis: A matched cohort study. Multiple Sclerosis Journal. [IF= 5.280 (2017)]. xx: xx.

74. Schwehr NA, Kuntz KM, Butler M, Enns EA, Shippee ND, Kingwell E, Tremlett H, Carpenter AF; BeAMS Study Group. (2019). Age-related decreases in relapses among adults with relapsing-onsetmultiple sclerosis.Multiple Sclerosis Journal. xx: xx.

75. Katharine Harding, Feng Zhu, Mohammed Alotaibi, Thomas Duggan, Helen Tremlett, and Elaine Kingwell. (2019). Multiple cause of death analysis in multiplesclerosis: a population-based study. Neurology. xx: xx.

76. Ali Mirza, Jessica D. Forbes, Feng Zhu, Charles N. Bernstein, Gary Van Domselaar, Morag Graham, Emmanuelle Waubant, and Helen Tremlett. (2020). Surveying the gut microbiota in multiple sclerosis: a systematic review (2008-2018).Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders.37: 1-12.

77. Liang G, Chai J, Ng HS, Tremlett H. (2020). Safety of dimethyl fumarate for multiple sclerosis: A systematic review andmeta-analysis.Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders. [IF=2.889 (2019)]. 46(102566): xx.

78. Chertcoff A, Ng HS, Zhu F, Zhao Y, Kingwell E, Tremlett H. (2020). Alemtuzumab and prescription medication use inthe MS population.Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders. [IF=2.889 (2019)]. 42(102086): 1.

79. Huah Shin Ng, Elaine Kingwell, Feng Zhu, Tingting Zhang, Ruth Ann Marrie, Robert Carruthers, Helen Tremlett. (2020). Adherence to laboratory monitoring among people taking oral drugs for multiple sclerosis: a Canadian population-based study.Multiple Sclerosis Journal. [IF= 5.280 (2017)]. 2019 January(27): 364-369.

80. Mohammad Ehsanul Karim, Helen Tremlett, Feng Zhu, John Petkau, Elaine Kingwell. (2020). Dealing with treatment-confounder feedback and sparse follow-up in longitudinal studies – application of a marginal structural model in a multiple sclerosis cohort.American Journal of Epidemiology. [IF=4.526 (2019)]. xx: xx.

81. Ng H, Rosenbult CL, Tremlett H. (2020). Safety profile of ocrelizumab for the treatment of multiple sclerosis: a systematic review.Expert Opinion On Drug Safety. [IF= 3.383 (2019)]. 19(9): 1069-1094.

82. Schwehr NA, Kuntz KM, Enns EA, Shippee ND, Kingwell E, Tremlett H, Carpenter AF, Butler M, and The BeAMS Study group. (2020). Informing medication discontinuation decisions among older adults with relapsing-onset multiple sclerosis. Drugs & Aging. [IF=2.381 (2017)]. 37(3): 225-235.

83. Zhao Y, Wijnands J, Högg T, Kingwell E, Zhu F, Evans C, Fisk JD, Marrie RA, Tremlett H. (2020). Interrogation of the Multiple Sclerosis Prodrome Using High Dimensional Health Data. Neuroepidemiology. [IF=2.689 (2017)]. 54(2): 140-147.

84. Buka SL, Wallin MT, Culpepper WJ, Lee YH, Marrie RA, Nelson LM, Kaye WE, Wagner L, Tremlett H, Campbell J, LaRocca N. (2020). Feasibility of Using a Nationally Representative Telephone Survey to Monitor Multiple Sclerosis Prevalence in the United States.Neuroepidemiology. [IF=2.689 (2017)]. 54(2): 123-130.

85. Fardowsa L.A. Yusuf, MS, José M.A. Wijnands, Elaine Kingwell, Feng Zhu, Charity Evans, John D. Fisk, Yinshan Zhao, Jason M Sutherland, David M Patrick, Ruth Ann Marrie, Helen Tremlett. (2020). Fatigue, sleep disorders, anemia and pain in the multiple sclerosis prodrome.Multiple Sclerosis Journal [Impact Factor, [IF= 5.280 (2017)]. xx: xx.

86. Etminan, Mahyar; Khosrow-Khavar, Farzin; Sodhi, Mohit; Carleton, Bruce; Magee, Laura; Tremlett, Helen; Kezouh, Abbas; Sheldon, Claire. (2020). Pseudotumor Cerebri Syndrome (PTCS) with Different Types of Hormonal Contraceptives in Women of Child-Bearing Age.European Journal of Neurology [IF=4.516]. 27(12): 2625-2629.

87. Tingting Zhang, Matthew Goodman, Feng Zhu, Brian Healy, Robert L Carruthers, Tanuja Chitnis, Howard L. Weiner, Tianxi Cai, Philip L De Jager, Helen Tremlett, and Zongqi Xia. (2020). Phenome-wide examination of comorbidity burden and multiple sclerosis disease severity.Neurology Neuroimmunology Neuroinflammation. [IF= 7.724 92019)]. 7(6): 1.

88. Ng HS, Zhu F, Kingwell E, Zhao Y, Yao S, Ekuma O, Svenson LW, Evans C, Fisk JD, Marrie RA, Tremlett H. (2020). Characteristicsof a population-based multiple sclerosis cohort treated with disease- modifyingdrugs in a universal healthcare setting.Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics [IF=3.743]. 21(1): 131-140.

89. Yusuf FLA, Ng B, Wijnands J, Kingwell E, Marrie RA, Tremlett H. (2020). A systematic review of morbidities suggestive of the multiple sclerosis prodrome.Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics. [IF= 3.560 (2019)]. 20(8): 799-819.

90. Helen Tremlett, Feng Zhu, Douglas Arnold, Amit Bar-Or, Charles N. Bernstein, Christine Bonner, Jessica D. Forbes, Morag Graham, Janace Hart, Natalie C. Knox, Ruth Ann Marrie, Ali I. Mirza, Julia O’Mahony, Gary Van Domselaar, E. Ann Yeh, Yinshan Zhao, Brenda Banwell, Emmanuelle Waubant8 & the US Network of Pediatric MS Centers, the Canadian Pediatric Demyelinating Disease Network. (2021). The gut microbiota in pediatric multiple sclerosis anddemyelinating syndromes. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology. [IF=4.511 (2020)]; 59/208 (Clinical Neurology)92/273 (Neurosciences). xx: xx.

91. Luczynski, P., Laule, C., Hsiung, G., Moore, G., & Tremlett, H. (2021). Coexistence of Multiple Sclerosis and AlzheimerDisease Pathology: A Case Series. Journal of Neurology Research. 11: 60-67.

92. Ramanujam R, Zhu F, Fink K, Karrenbauer VD, Lorscheider J, Benkert P, Kingwell E, Tremlett H, Hillert J, Manouchehrinia A; BeAMS Study group. (2021). Accurate classification of secondary progression in multiple sclerosis using a decision tree.Multiple Sclerosis Journal [IF=5.412]. 27(8): 1240-1249.

93. Cragg JJ, Azoulay L, Collins G, De Vera MA, Etminan M, Lalji F, Gershon AS, Guyatt G,
Harrison M, Jutzeler C, Kassam R, Kendzerska T, Lynd L, Mansournia MA, Sadatsafavi M, Tong
B, Warner FM, Tremlett H. (2021). The reporting of observational studies of drug effectiveness and safety:recommendations to extend existing guidelines.Expert Opinion on Drug Safety [IF=3.383]. 20(1): 1-8.

94. Horton MK, McCauley K, Fadrosh D, Fujimura K, Graves J, Ness J, Wheeler Y, Gorman MP, Benson LA, Weinstock-Guttman B, Waldman A, Rodriguez M, Tillema JM, Krupp L, Belman A, Mar S, Rensel M, Chitnis T, Casper TC, Rose J, Hart J, Shao X, Tremlett H, Lynch SV, Barcellos LF, Waubant E; U.S. Network of Pediatric MS Centers. (2021). Gutmicrobiome is associated with multiple sclerosis activity in children. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology. [IF=4.511 (2020)]; 59/208 (Clinical Neurology)92/273 (Neurosciences). 8: 1867-1883.

95. Evans C, Marrie RA, Yao S, Zhu F, Walld R, Tremlett H, Blackburn D, Kingwell E. (2021). Medication adherence in multiple sclerosis as a potential model for other chronic diseases: a population-based cohort study. BMJ Open [IF=2.496]. 11(2): e043930.

96. Ali I. Mirza, Feng Zhu, Natalie Knox, Jessica D. Forbes, Gary Van Domselaar, Charles N. Bernstein, Morag Graham, Ruth Ann Marrie, Janace Hart, E. Ann Yeh, Douglas Arnold, Amit Bar-Or, Julia O’Mahony, Yinshan Zhao, William Hsiao, Brenda Banwell, Emmanuelle Waubant, and Helen Tremlett. (2021). Metagenomic Analysis of the Pediatric-OnsetMultiple Sclerosis Gut Microbiome. Neurology [IF=8.1 (2020)]. xx: xx-xx.

97. Tremlett H, Okuda, Lebrun. (2021). The MS prodrome is just unspecificsymptoms in RIS patients – NO.Multiple Sclerosis Journal. [IF=6.312(2020)]. 27: 1824 –1826.

99. Kingwell E, Zhang T, Zhu F, Walld R, Carruthers R, Evans C, Marrie RA, Tremlett H. (2021). Short- termlaboratory and related safety outcomes for the multiple sclerosis oraldisease-modifying therapies: an observational study.Expert Opinion on Drug Safety [IF=3.383]. 20(4): 481-487.

100. Makhani, N., Tremlett, H. The multiple sclerosis prodrome. Nat Rev Neurol 17, 515–521 (2021).

101. Ng, Huah Shin; Zhu, Feng; Kingwell, Elaine; Zhao, Yinshan; Yao, Shenzhen; Ekuma, Okechukwu; Svenson, Lawrence; Evans, Charity; Fisk, John; Marrie, Ruth Ann; Tremlett, Helen. (2022). Disease- modifying drugs for multiple sclerosisand subsequent health service use. Multiple Sclerosis Journal. [IF=6.312(2020)]. 28: 583–596.

102. Graf, Jonas; Ng, Huah Shin; Zhu, Feng; Zhao, Yinshan; Wijnands, José; Evans, Charity; Fisk, John; Marrie, Ruth Ann; Tremlett, Helen. (2022). Emergency department use by persons with MS: apopulation-based descriptive study with a focus on infection-related visits. Multiple Sclerosis Journal.xx: xx-xx.

103. Ali I Mirza, Feng Zhu, Natalie Knox, Jessica D Forbes, Christine Bonner, Gary Van Domselaar, Charles N Bernstein, Morag Graham, Ruth Ann Marrie, Janace Hart, E. Ann Yeh, Douglas L Arnold, Amit Bar-Or, Julia O’Mahony, Yinshan Zhao, William Hsiao, Brenda Banwell, Emmanuelle Waubant, Helen Tremlett. (2022). The metabolic potential of the paediatric-onset multiple sclerosis gutmicrobiome. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders [IF=4.339 (2020)]. xx: xx-xx.

104. Chertcoff A, Ng HS, Zhu F, Zhao Y, Tremlett H. (2022). Polypharmacy andmultiple sclerosis: A population- based study.Multiple Sclerosis Journal. [IF=6.312(2020)]. xx: xx-xx.

105. *Huah Shin Ng, *Jonas Graf, Feng Zhu, Elaine Kingwell, Orhan Aktas, Philipp Albrecht, Hans-Peter Hartung, Sven G Meuth, Charity Evans, John David Fisk, Ruth Ann Marrie, Yinshan Zhao, Helen Tremlett. *Joint first authors. (2022). Disease-modifying druguptake and health service use in the ageing MS population. Frontiers in Immunology [IF=6.429 (2020); 5th most cited Immunology journal worldwide]. xx: xx.

106. Lingyi Li, J. Antonio Aviña-Zubieta, Charles Bernstein, Gilaad G. Kaplan, Helen Tremlett, Hui Xie, Juan- Nicolás Peña-Sánchez, Ruth Ann Marrie, and Mahyar Etminan. (2022). Risk of Multiple SclerosisAmong Users of Antitumor Necrosis Factor Alpha in Four Canadian Provinces: APopulation-Based Study. Neurology [IF=9.901 (2020)]. xx(xx): xx-xx.

107. Calocer, Floriane; Ng, Huah Shin; Zhu, Feng; Zhao, Yinshan; Leray, Emmanuelle; Dejardin, Olivier; Defer, Gilles; Fisk, John; Evans, Charity; Marrie, Ruth Ann; Tremlett, Helen. (2022). Low socioeconomicstatus was associated with a higher mortality risk in multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis Journal [IF=6.312(2020)]. xx: xx-xx. 10.1177/13524585221129963

108. Roux J, Elaine Kingwell, Feng Zhu, Helen Tremlett, Emmanuelle Leray, BeAMS Study group. (2022). Care consumption of people with multiple sclerosis: a multichannel sequence analysis in a population-based setting in British Columbia.Multiple Sclerosis Journal [IF=6.3]. 28: 309-322.

109. Tremlett H and Waubant E. (2022). MS Minute: Multiple Sclerosis & the Gut Microbiome. Practical Neurology. xx: xx-xx.

110. Marrie RA, Allegretta M, Barcellos LF, Bebo B, Calabresi PA, Correale J, Davis B, De Jager PL, Gasperi C, Greenbaum C, Helme A, Hemmer B, Kanellis P, Kostich W, Landsman D, Lebrun-Frenay C, Makhani N, Munger KL, Okuda DT, Ontaneda D, Postuma RB, Quandt JA, Roman S, Saidha S, Sormani MP, Strum J, Valentine P, Walton C, Zackowski KM, Zhao Y, Tremlett H. (2022). From the prodromal stage of multiple sclerosisto disease prevention.Nat Rev Neurol. [IF=42.94 (2020)]. xx: xx-xx.

111. Yusuf FLA, Wijnands JMA, Karim ME, Kingwell E, Zhu F, Evans C, Fisk JD, Zhao Y, Marrie RA and Tremlett H. (2022). Sex and AgeDifferences in the Multiple Sclerosis Prodrome. Frontiers in Neurology. [IF= 4.003 (2021)]. xx(xx): xx-xx.

112. G. Liang, F. Zhu, D.L. Arnold, A. Bar-Or, C. Bernstein, J. Forbes, M. Graham, J. Hart, N. Knox, R.A. Marrie, A. Mirza, J. O’Mahony, G. Van Domselaar, E.A. Yeh, Y. Zhao, B. Banwell, E. Waubant, H. Tremlett. (2022). Stability of the Gut Microbiota in Persons withPediatric-Onset Multiple Sclerosis and Related Demyelinating Diseases. Multiple Sclerosis Journal [IF=6.312(2020)]. xx: xx-xx.

113. Tremlett H, Munger KL, Makhani N. (2022). The Multiple Sclerosis Prodrome: Evidence toAction. Front Neurol. [IF=3.552 (2020)]. 12: 761408.

114. Lane J, Ng HS, Poyser C, Lucas RM, Tremlett H. (2022). Multiple sclerosis incidence: A systematic review of change over time by geographical region. Mult Scler Relat Disord. [IF=4.339 (2020)]. 63: 103932.

115. Kyla A McKay, José MA Wijnands, Ali Manouchehrinia, Feng Zhu, Paul Sereda, Jenny Li, Monica Ye, Jason Trigg, Katherine Kooij, Anna Mia Ekström, Magnus Gisslén, Jan Hillert, Robert S Hogg, Helen Tremlett, Elaine Kingwell. (2023). Risk of multiple sclerosis in people living with HIV: an international cohort study. Annals of Neurology.

116. Marrie RA, Fisk JD, Fitzgerald K, Kowalec K, Maxwell C, Rotstein D, Salter A and Tremlett H. (2023). Etiology, effects and management of comorbidities in multiple sclerosis: recent advances. Front. Immunol.14: 1197195.

117. Li L, Etminan M, Kaplan GG, Tremlett H, Xie H, Aviña-Zubieta JA. (2023). Multiple sclerosis risk among anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha users: A methodological review of observational studies based on real- world data.Current Drug Safety. 10.2174/1574886318666230726162245

118. Yusuf FLA, Asaf A, Marrie RA, Li P, McKay K, Zhao Y, Zhu F, Maxwell C, Tremlett H. (2023). Incidence and prevalence of paediatric-onset multiple sclerosis in two Canadian provinces: a population-based study representing over half of Canada’s population.J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 10.1136/jnnp-2023-331991

119. A. Chertcoff, F. L. Yusuf, F. Zhu, C. Evans, J. D. Fisk, Y. Zhao, R. Marrie, H. Tremlett. (2023). Psychiatric comorbidity during the prodromal period in patients with multiple sclerosis. Neurology. 10.1212/WNL.0000000000207843

120. R.A. Marrie, C.J. Maxwell, D.L. Rotstein, C.-C. Tsai, H. Tremlett. (2023). Prodromes in Demyelinating disorders, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Parkinson Disease, and Alzheimer’s Dementia.Revue neurologique. (In Press: #[IF=4.313 (2023)])

121. H.S. Ng, F. Zhu, Y. Zhao, S. Yao, X. Lu, O. Ekuma, C. Evans, J.D. Fisk, R.A. Marrie, H. Tremlett. Adverse events associated with the disease-modifying drugs for multiple sclerosis: a multi-region, population-based study. Neurology. (In Press; Accepted 27 Sept 2023)

122. Jonas Graf, Huah Shin Ng, Feng Zhu, Yinshan Zhao, José M A Wijnands, Charity Evans, John D Fisk, Ruth Ann Marrie, Helen Tremlett. Multiple sclerosis disease-modifying drug use by immigrants: a real-world study. Scientific Reports, a journal of the Nature Research.

123. F.L.A. Yusuf, F. Zhu, C. Evans, J.D. Fisk, Y. Zhao, R.A. Marrie, H. Tremlett. Gastrointestinal Conditions in the Multiple Sclerosis Prodrome. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology.

124. Yusuf FLA, Asaf A, Marrie RA, Li P, McKay K, Zhao Y, Zhu F, Maxwell C, Tremlett H. Incidence and prevalence of paediatric-onset multiple sclerosis in two Canadian provinces: a population-based study representing over half of Canada’s population. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2023 Sep 21:jnnp-2023-331991. doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2023-331991. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37734925. [IF=11 (2023)]

The incidence and prevalence of pediatric-onset multiple sclerosis in two Canadian provinces: a population-based study representing over half of Canada’s population explained

125. H.S. Ng, F. Zhu, Y. Zhao, S. Yao, X. Lu, O. Ekuma, C. Evans, J.D. Fisk, R.A. Marrie, H. Tremlett. Neurology. Adverse events associated with the disease-modifying drugs for multiple sclerosis: a multi-region, population-based study. 2024 Feb 13;102(3):e208006. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000208006. Epub 2024 Jan 5. [IF=11.8 (2022)]

126. Yusuf FLA, Zhu F, Evans C, Fisk JD, Zhao Y, Marrie RA, Tremlett H. Gastrointestinal conditions in the multiple sclerosis prodrome. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2024; 11(1): 185–193 doi: 10.1002/acn3.51945. PMID: 38115680. [IF=5.3 (2022)]

GI Symptoms a Could Be an Early Feature of MS, Study Finds. 3-Jan-2024, The American Journal of Managed Care:

127.Graf J, Ng HS, Zhu F, Zhao Y, Wijnands JMA, Evans C, Fisk JD, Marrie RA, Tremlett H. Multiple sclerosis disease-modifying drug use by immigrants: a real-world study. Sci Rep. 2023 Dec 1;13(1):21235. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-46313-7. PMID: 38040796; PMCID: PMC10692166.

[IF=4.6 (2022)]. The 5th most-cited journal worldwide (according to Nature)

Research communities post, ‘Behind the Paper’, Nature, Dec/2023.

128. McKay KA, Wijnands JMA, Manouchehrinia A, Zhu F, Sereda P, Li J, Ye M, Trigg J, Kooij K, Ekström AM, Gisslén M, Hillert J, Hogg RS, Tremlett H, Kingwell E. Risk of Multiple Sclerosis in People Living with HIV: An International Cohort Study. Ann Neurol. 2023 Dec 14. doi: 10.1002/ana.26840. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38098141.

 [IF=11.2 (2022)]

The Conversation. 20Dec2023:

Professor Gavin Giovannoni blog; highly circulated within the MS community: 

129. Tsai, CC., Jette, S. & Tremlett, H. Disease-modifying therapies used to treat multiple sclerosis and the gut microbiome: a systematic review. J Neurol. 2023. Dec 11. doi: 10.1007/s00415-023-12107-0. Online ahead of print. [IF=6.0 (2022)]

 Trainee interview: Exploring the role of disease-modifying therapies on the gut microbiome in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. December 15, 2023

130. Zhu F, Zhao Y, Arnold DL, Bar-Or A, Bernstein CN, Bonner C, Graham M, Hart J, Knox N, Marrie RA, Mirza AI, O’Mahony J, Van Domselaar G, Yeh EA, Banwell B, Waubant E, Tremlett H; US Network of Pediatric MS Centers, the Canadian Pediatric Demyelinating Disease Network. A cross-sectional study of MRI features and the gut microbiome in pediatric-onset multiple sclerosis. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2023 Dec 21. doi: 10.1002/acn3.51970. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38130033.
[IF=5.3 (2022)]

131. Tremlett H, Chomba M, Mortel D, Braun S, Chishimba L, Mutete F, Mwendaweli N, Namangala C, Zimba S, Saylor D. Comorbidity in the multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders population: findings from an underserved, low income country, Zambia. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 2024; 81: 105365.[IF=4.0 (2022)]

132. Schoeps VA, Zhou X, Horton MK, Zhu F, McCauley KE, Nasr Z, Virupakshaiah A, Gorman MP, Benson LA, Weinstock-Guttman B, Waldman A, Banwell BL, Bar-Or A, Marrie RA, van Domselaar G, O’Mahony J, Mirza AI, Bernstein CN, Yeh EA, Casper TC, Lynch SV, Tremlett H, Baranzini S, Waubant E; US Network of Pediatric MS Centers. Short-chain fatty acid producers in the gut are associated with pediatric multiple sclerosis onset. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2024 Jan;11(1):169-184. doi: 10.1002/acn3.51944. Epub 2023 Nov 13. PMID: 37955284; PMCID: PMC10791026.

AUTHORSHIP STATEMENT: As of Aug/2023, I have 210 peer-reviewed publications (151 as first or senior author [41 first, 114 senior]), 95 of which were published in the last five years. These are in addition to 16 Editorials (13 as first/senior author), 24 research Letters or case reports (22 as first or senior author), and 4 book chapters (both as last/senior author). To facilitate and nurture my trainee’s career paths, I equip them with the skills to be the 1st author whenever possible, with myself as 2nd or last (senior) author. I show a select few of the 200+ abstracts, including some of the 20+ selected for oral or platform presentation at national or international conferences. I encourage my trainees to submit their work as abstracts, but always prioritize the full publication.

Invited Editorials

1. Banwell, B and Tremlett H Coming of Age: The Use of Immunomodulatory Therapy in Paediatric Multiple Sclerosis. Neurology 2005; 64:778-779.

Contribution: Independently reviewed article referred to in the Editorial. Co-wrote the invited editorial. 50% effort.

2. Kingwell, E and Tremlett H. Interferons and Multiple Sclerosis: Is it plausible that beta-interferon treatment could influence the risk of cancer among MS patients? Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics 2009;  9:1263-1265

Contribution: Co-wrote the invited editorial. 50% effort.

3. Franklin, G and Tremlett H. Multiple sclerosis and pregnancy: What should we be telling our patients? Neurology 2009; 73(22):1820-2

Contribution: Co-wrote the invited editorial. 50% effort.

4. Tremlett H. Epidemiology in multiple sclerosis has had its day: there are no more unanswered questions – No.Mult Scler. 2012 Feb;18(2):138-9

5. Tremlett H and Lucas R. The risks for falls and fractures in multiple sclerosis. Neurology (accepted Feb/2012)

Book Chapters

  1. Tremlett H, Waubant E. (2019). The Microbiome in Multiple Sclerosis. David Perlmutter. The Microbiome and The Brain.
  2. McKay K, Tremlett H. (2018). Epidemiology of Multiple Sclerosis and Environmental Risk Factors. Amanda L. Piquet, MD, and Enrique Alvarez, MDD. Neuroimmunology.
  3. Razaz N, Joseph KS, Marrie RA, Tremlett H. (2017). Reproductive issues in multiple sclerosis: Parental MS and child outcomes; the research perspective. Maria K. Houtchens, A. Dessa Sadovnick. Health Issues in Women with Multiple Sclerosis.
  4. Marrie RA, Tremlett H Chapter 5: Epidemiology of multiple sclerosis. In: The Future of MS Treatment. Editors: Cohen J and Rudick R. 2011. Cambridge University Press

Research Letters and case reports

1. Tremlett H: Oral versus intravenous corticosteroids in acute relapses of Multiple Sclerosis. Lancet 1997;340:1696-1697.

2. Tremlett H, Luscombe DK: Unsubstantiated treatment (letter). Pharmaceutical Journal 1998;260:308.

3. Tremlett H, Luscombe DK: Use of desmopressin (letter). Pharmaceutical Journal 1998;260:201.

4. Tremlett H, J Evans, C Rogers, CM Wiles, DK Luscombe General practitioners’ prescribing data for multiple sclerosis patients indicates a link with asthma; British Journal of General Practice; 2000; 50(453);323.

5. Tremlett H. Effects of seasons on MRI-measured disease activity in patients with MS); Ann Neurol; 2001;50(3);422.

6. Tremlett H, Griggs RC. Liver and thyroid function and autoimmunity during interferon-ß1b treatment for MS Neurology; 2002;58:1868.

7.  Tremlett H, Yoshida E, Oger J. Liver injury associated with the IFNBs for MS: a comparison between IFNB-1b(sc), IFNB-1a (sc) and IFNB-1a (im) Neurology 2004;63:1142-1143 (

8. Tremlett H, Traboulsee T. Randomized multicenter trial of natalizumab in acute MS relapses: clinical and MRI effects. Neurology; 2005;64(1):174.

9. Tremlett H: What went wrong in the natalizumab trials Comment? Lancet 2006; 367:1484-1485

10. Tremlett H, Sayao AL, Devonshire V. Longitudinal follow-up of ‘benign’ multiple sclerosis at 20 years. Neurology 2007;69(9):938

11. Koch M, Mostert J, De Keyser J, Tremlett H, Filippini G. Interferon-beta treatment and the natural history of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Ann Neurol. 2007; 63(1):125-126

Contribution: Drafting and editing letter. 20% effort

12. Gibbs  ETremlett  H,  Ball  N,  Hashimoto S  Malignant melanoma in a multiple sclerosis patient with persistent neutralizing antibodies to interferon beta. European Journal of Neurology 2008, 15(1): e4

Contribution: Drafting and editing letter. 10% effort

13. Hashimoto S, Ball  N, Tremlett  H   Progressive lipoatrophy after cessation of glatiramer acetate injections: a case report. Multiple Sclerosis. 2009;15:521-522

Contribution: Drafting and editing case report. 30% effort

14. Tremlett  HFu P, Yoshida E,  Hashimoto S  Symptomatic liver injury (hepatotoxicity) associated with administration of complementary and alternative products (Ayurveda-AP-Mag Capsules®) in a beta-interferon treated multiple sclerosis patient. European Journal of Neurology 2011 Jul;18(7):e78-9

Contribution of my group: 80%.

15. Kowalec K, Yoshida EM, Traboulsee A, Carleton BC, Tremlett H. Suspected autoimmune hepatitis and primary biliary cirrhosis unmasked by interferon-beta in a multiple sclerosis patient. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 2012 2(1): 57-59.