UBC PiMS Research Group (the Tremlett Laboratory)

Pharmacoepidemiology in Multiple Sclerosis Research Group (the Tremlett Laboratory)

New Discovery Grant Awarded by MS Society of Canada

Heterogeneity in the MS prodrome & impact on disease progression (PrOMS-HD). Clinical Research Project Grant Type: Discovery Grant (operating) by Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada Total Funding – $99,983 (Canadian dollar) Funding Competitive?: Yes Funding Reference Number: (EGID): 903124 Multiple Funding Bodies

Top 3% of researchers cited globally (recognition).

Posted May/2022:  Ioannidis JPA, Baas J, Klavans R, Boyack KW (2019) A standardized citation metrics author database annotated for scientific field.

ACTRIMS Forum 2023

The ACTRIMS Forum 2023, San Diego, California, Conference Date: 2023/2 Risk of Multiple Sclerosis in People with HIV: An International Cohort study. Authors: E. Kingwell, A. Manouchehrinia, F. Zhu, K. McKay, J. Li, M. Ye, P. Sereda, J. Trigg, K. Kooij, M. Gisslén, A. Ekström, J. Hillert, R. Hogg, H. Tremlett. Presentation Type: Oral Presentation […]

New Blog: Tremlett’s MS Research Explained

Written by Sharon Roman, a patient-partner and writer for the British Medical Journal group, Tremlett’s MS Research Explained is dedicated to explaining our work in plain language.
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Welcome to the UBC PiMS Group Website

Our research group is physically located within the Djavid Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health and University of British Columbia’s hospital. We are part of the Department of Medicine and Division of Neurology. If that wasn’t enough, we are also affiliated with the Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Pharmacoepidemiology in MS (PiMS)
2211 Wesbrook Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 2B5, Canada

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