Outreach and Community Presentations

Sept 2019: Alberta, Edmonton. Annual MS Connect, the MS Society of Canada Alberta and Northwest Territories Division.

Oct 2019: Saskatoon. Saskatchewan Division’s annual Conference Summit on MS. MS Society of Canada

  • Keynote speaker
  • Title: ‘Research insights: from the MS prodrome to poop and beyond’

Oct 2019: Ontario ,Ottawa Summit on MS. MS Society of Canada

  • Keynote speaker
  • Title: ‘Research insights: from the MS prodrome to poop and beyond’

April 2019: Quebec Summit on MS. MS Society of Canada

Feb 2019: MS Society of Canada Coastal Regional Chapter.

  • ‘MS Connect Victoria’ – research conference that brings together people affected by MS, health professionals and researchers to discuss and learn about the latest MS research and symptom management developments
  • Keynote speaker
  • Title: ‘Research insights: from the MS prodrome to poop and beyond’
  • https://www.flickr.com/photos/mssociety_bcyukon/33108593078/