Mohammad Ehsanul Karim

Current Academic Status: Postdoctoral Fellow, Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada

Previous Academic Training: PhD in Statistics (UBC); MSc in Statistics (UBC); BSc & MSc (University of Dhaka, Bangladesh)

PhD Thesis: Long-term Benefits and Adverse Effects of Beta-interferon for Multiple Sclerosis




  • Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada PhD Studentship
  • Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada Travel Awards
  • UBC PhD Tuition Fee Award
  • UBC Graduate Student Travel Award
  • UBC Faculty of Science Achievement Award
  • UBC International Partial Tuition Scholarship
  • UBC Graduate Entrance Scholarship
  • Bangladesh Government Talent Scholarship
  • Bangladesh University Pre-Honors Scholarship
  • University of Dhaka ISRT Scholarship



  • Karim ME, Gustafson P, Petkau J, Zhao Y, Shirani A, Kingwell E, Evans C, van der Kop M, Oger J, Tremlett H. Marginal structural Cox models for estimating the association between β-interferon exposure and disease progression in a multiple sclerosis cohort. Am J Epidemiol. 2014 Jul 15;180(2):160-71.Selected by the American Journal of Epidemiology as ‘Article of the Year 2014.’ The ten best articles of the year receive this recognition [2014 Articles of the Year. Am. J. Epidemiol. 2015 181: 221-222]
  • Shirani A, Zhao Y, Karim ME, Petkau J, Gustafson P, Evans C, Kingwell E, van der Kop ML, Oger J, Tremlett H. Investigation of heterogeneity in the association between interferon beta and disability progression in multiple sclerosis: an observational study. Eur J Neurol 2013 [Epub ahead of print].
  • Shirani A, Zhao Y, Karim ME, Evans C, Kingwell E, van der Kop ML, Oger J, Gustafson P, Petkau J, Tremlett H. Interferon beta and long-term disability in multiple sclerosis. JAMA Neurol 2013 May 1;70(5):651-3.
  • Shirani A, Zhao Y, Karim ME, Evans C, Kingwell E, van der Kop ML, Oger J, Gustafson P, Petkau J, Tremlett H. Association between use of interferon beta and progression of disability in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. JAMA 2012 Jul 18;308(3):247-56.



  • Karim, M. E. “Estimating the causal effect of a treatment while time-dependent confounding is present: An illustration of the sequential Cox approach”, Graduate Students Seminar Series, Department of Statistics, University of British Columbia, September, 2011
  • Karim, M. E.  “How to estimate beta-interferon treatment effectiveness in MS using some fancy modelling”, Pharmacoepidemiology in MS Research Group (PiMS), Brain Research Centre conference centre, UBC Hospital, Vancouver, September 2011
  • Karim, M. E. “A Path to Causal Inference “, Joint UBC/SFU Seminar, Department of Statistics, Simon Fraser University, September 2011
  • Karim, M. E, Gustafson, P., Petkau, J., Shirani,A., van der Kop, M., Kingwell, E., Zhao, Y., Evans, C. and Tremlett, H. “Marginal Structural Models for Investigating Long-Term Effectiveness of a Time-Dependent Treatment: An Application to Multiple Sclerosis”, 2011 Joint Statistical Meetings, Miami, Florida; July 2011
  • Karim, M. E. “Causal Inference from Observational Data using Propensity Scores”, Graduate Students Seminar Series, Department of Statistics, University of British Columbia, March 2011
  • Evans, C., Zhao, Y., Shirani, A., Kingwell, E., van der Kop, M., Karim, M. E., Gustafson, P., Petkau, J and Tremlett, H “The BeAMS Study: Long-term benefits and adverse effects of beta-interferons for multiple sclerosis: Impact on hospital services utilization”. Proceedings of endMS Conference 2010; p. 38. The endMS Conference 2010, Whistler, BC, Canada, 6-9 December 2010
  • Karim, M. E. “Application of Propensity Scores in Epidemiology”, December 2010, Institute of Statistical Research and Training Seminar, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh