Ellen Lu

Academic Status: PhD conferred May 2013

Previous Academic Training: PhD in Experimental Medicine (UBC) and BSc in Microbiology & Immunology (UBC)

PhD Thesis: Perinatal outcomes in multiple sclerosis

Email: ellen.lu@alumni.ubc.ca

Research Awards:

  • Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute Rising Star Award
  • Canadian Institutes of Health Research Doctoral Research Award
  • University of British Columbia Four Year Doctoral Fellowship
  • Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada PhD Studentship
  • European Neurological Society Travel Grant
  • University of British Columbia Travel Awards
  • European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis Travel Grant
  • Third Place Winner of the 2011 UBC Faculty of Medicine Thesis Competition
  • Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada Travel Awards
  • University of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine Graduate Awards
  • Canadian Institutes of Health Research Master’s Research Award
  • Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada MSc Studentship
  • University of British Columbia Graduate Entrance Scholarship


Recent Publications:

  • Bove R, Alwan S, Friedman J, Hellwig K, Houtchens M, Koren G, Lu E, McElrath T, Smyth P, Tremlett H, Sadovnick AD. Management of multiple sclerosis during the reproductive years. Obstetrics & Gynecology 2014 Sep; in press.
  • Lu E, Zhu F, Zhao Y, van der Kop M, Synnes A, Dahlgren L, Sadovnick AD, Traboulsee A, Tremlett H. Birth outcomes in newborns fathered by men with multiple sclerosis exposed to disease-modifying drugs. CNS Drugs 2014;28(5):475-482.
  • Lu E, Zhu F, Zhao Y, van der Kop M, Sadovnick AD, Synnes A, Dahlgren L, Traboulsee A, Tremlett H. Birth outcomes of pregnancies fathered by men with multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler 2014;20(9):1260-1264.
  • Lu E, Wang BW, Alwan S, Synnes A, Dahlgren L, Sadovnick AD, Tremlett H. A review of safety-related pregnancy data surrounding the oral disease-modifying drugs for multiple sclerosis. CNS Drugs 2014;28(2):89-94.
  • Lu E, Zhao Y, Dahlgren L, Preston R, van der Kop M, Synnes A, Sadovnick AD, Traboulsee A, Tremlett H. Obstetrical epidural and spinal anesthesia in multiple sclerosis. J Neurol 2013;260(10):2620-2628.
  • Charles JA, Tremlett H, Lu E, Guimond C, Sadovnick AD. Disease-modifying drugs for multiple sclerosis in pregnancy: a systematic review. Neurology 2013;80(11):1068-1069. Commentary
  • Lu E, Wang BW, Guimond C, Synnes A, Sadovnick AD, Dahlgren L, Traboulsee A, Tremlett H. Safety of disease-modifying drugs for multiple sclerosis in pregnancy: current challenges and future considerations for effective pharmacovigilance. Expert Rev Neurother 2013;13(3):251-261.
  • Lu E, Zhu F, van der Kop M, Dahlgren L, Synnes A, Sadovnick AD, Traboulsee A, Tremlett H. Labor induction and augmentation in women with multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler 2013;19(9):1182-1189.
  • Lu E, Zhao Y, Zhu F, van der Kop ML, Synnes A, Dahlgren L, Sadovnick AD, Sayao AL, Tremlett H. Birth hospitalization in mothers with multiple sclerosis and their newborns. Neurology 2013;80(5):447-452.
  • Lu E, Wang BW, Guimond C, Synnes A, Sadovnick AD, Tremlett H. Disease-modifying drugs for multiple sclerosis in pregnancy: a systematic review. Neurology 2012;79(11):1130-1135.
  • Wang BW, Lu E, Mackenzie IR, Assaly M, Jacova C, Lee PE, Beattie BL, Hsiung GY. Multiple pathologies are common in Alzheimer patients in clinical trials. Can J Neuro Sci 2012;39(5):592-599.
  • Lu E, Dahlgren L, Sadovnick D, Sayao A, Synnes A, Tremlett H. Perinatal outcomes in women with multiple sclerosis exposed to disease-modifying drugs. Mult Scler 2012;18(4):460-470.

Selected Abstracts/Conference Presentations:

  • Lu E, Zhu F, Zhao Y, van der Kop M, Synnes A, Dahlgren L, Sadovnick AD, Traboulsee A, Tremlett H. Birth outcomes in newborns fathered by men with multiple sclerosis exposed to disease-modifying drugs. Presented: 66th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology (AAN), Philadelphia, PA, USA, April 2014.
  • Lu E, Zhu F, Zhao Y, van der Kop M, Synnes A, Dahlgren L, Sadovnick AD, Traboulsee A, Tremlett H. Birth outcomes of pregnancies fathered by men with multiple sclerosis. Presented: 21st World Congress of Neurology (WCN), Vienna, Austria, September 2013.
  • Lu E, Zhu F, Zhao Y, van der Kop M, Synnes A, Dahlgren L, Sadovnick AD, Traboulsee A, Tremlett H. Birth outcomes in fathers with multiple sclerosis. Presented: 23rd Meeting of the European Neurological Society (ENS), Barcelona, Spain, June 2013.
  • Lu E, Zhao Y, Zhu F, van der Kop M, Synnes A, Dahlgren L, Sadovnick AD, Sayao A-L, Tremlett H. Birth hospitalization in mothers with multiple sclerosis and their newborns. Presented: 28th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS), Lyon, France, October 2012.
  • Wang BW, Lu E, Mackenzie IR, Assaly M, Jacova C, Lee PE, Beattie BL, Hsiung GYR. Frequency and presentation of multiple pathology in patients enrolled in Alzheimer clinical trials. Presented: 64th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology (AAN), New Orleans, LA, USA, April 2012.
  • Lu E, Wang BW, Guimond C, Synnes A, Sadovnick AD, Tremlett H. Disease-modifying drugs for multiple sclerosis in pregnancy: a systematic review. Presented: 64th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology (AAN), New Orleans, LA, USA, April 2012.
  • Wang BW, Lu E, Assaly M, Jacova C, Lee PE, Mackenzie IR, Beattie BL, Hsiung GYR. Mixed pathology is common in Alzheimer patients in clinical trials. Presented: 6th Canadian Conference on Dementia, Montreal, QC, Canada, October 2011.
  • Lu E, Dahlgren L, Sadovnick D, Sayao A, Synnes A, Tremlett H. Perinatal outcomes in women with multiple sclerosis exposed to disease-modifying drugs. Presented: 46th Annual Congress of the Canadian Neurological Sciences Federation (CNSF), Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 2011.
  • Lu E, van der Kop M, Dahlgren L, Synnes A, Sadovnick AD, Sayao A, Tremlett H. Effect of disease-modifying drugs on obstetrical and neonatal outcomes in women with multiple sclerosis in British Columbia, Canada. Presented: Multiple Sclerosis Research and Training Network Conference, Whistler, BC, Canada, December 2010.